The Climate Journey begins: itineraries around the climate emergency for local climate action and social justice

The project has origin in Malaga, from the natural convergence of three complementary organizations, totally committed to the cause of climate action and social justice: SIC4Change, a catalyst for social innovation for the climate; ExploraMalaga, a leader in responsible tourism; and Líbero, with extensive experience in environmental education and youth empowerment; as well as several professors from the University of Malaga.

In a short time, it expanded to other places through a collaborative network, starting with Barcelona and Madrid, respectively via Aethnic, a sustainable tourism association; and Pangea Routes, specializing in cycling and hiking tourism experiences.

The Climate Journey is a trip across municipalities and territories, with multiple physical-conceptual itineraries and formats (tours, gymkhanas and other educational & recreational activities), around the climate emergency.

Each itinerary is made up of 2 blocks: the first one to understand, in the field, the challenges, impacts (current and projections), and systemic causes (model of economy, city and civilization) behind the climate crisis; and the second to experience first-hand the solutions in terms of mobilization, participation in local wellbeing economies, nature-based solutions, and cooperation for the common good. The trip ends with a collective reflection resulting in an action plan with concrete strategies each participant can implement “back home”.

Our main objective is to inspire and empower changemakers towards local and collective action for the climate, equity, social justice, and sovereignty on a human scale. We address residents and visitors who wish to know more about the issue, as well as children and youth through schools and high schools (awareness), and companies (innovation).

We firmly believe in cooperation for the common good, and thus we contribute to the strengthening and expansion of the local fabric by working and generating shared value with a broad ecosystem of collaborators that includes public institutions, economic agents, and social entities engaged in local, fair and ecological commerce, and the social economy.

Among the most prominent, there are the International Union for the Conservation of Nature – Mediterranean Cooperation Center, and the Nature-Based SolutionsCluster.

We believe in the opportunity arising from the global waves of change, and thus we actively participate, individually, in social movements for climate action and social justice. We use their language, and share their vision of social change: mobilization of critical mass (the famous 3.5%) through unity in diversity, and loads of creativity. Hence, during the itineraries, we talk and interact with members of groups such as networks and local alliances for the climate and ecological emergency, Extinction Rebellion, Fridays for Future (Youth for Climate), and also other sister movements around related social challenges (common causes and solutions): neighborhood associations, tenant unions, community-run socio-cultural centers, etc.

In short, through local action and “translocal” cooperation, we want to mobilize a critical mass of people (residents, visitors, youth and businesses), to catalyze a revolution of local economies towards zero-carbon cities built on equity and sovereignty (energy, food, finance and democracy), with community leadership, nature-based solutions and collaborative networks at the heart of it all.

Explore and create with us a better and fairer future, on a habitable and beautiful planet. Embark on the Climate Journey 😉

More information and upcoming itineraries: