Nota de Prensa – Málaga, 5 de mayo de 2021 La reconstrucción pos-pandemia debe de ser verde y justa para afrontar con garantías las profundas crisis que..
Tag: Aula del Mar
The main institutions and more than 150 people foster local climate action and social justice at the Malaga for the Climate with the IPCC Forum and the Futuros Locales Festival – #MalagaClimaIPCC #LocalFutures
After intense days of presentations, discussion and networking, the “Malaga for the Climate with the IPCC Forum”, which counted with Professor Dr. Diana Ürge-Vorsatz of the IPCC..

Las principales instituciones y más de 150 personas impulsan la acción climática local y la justicia social en el Foro Málaga por el Clima con el IPCC y el Festival Futuros Locales – #MalagaClimaIPCC #LocalFutures
After intense days of presentations, discussion and networking, the “Malaga for the Climate with the IPCC Forum”, which counted with Professor Dr. Diana Ürge-Vorsatz of the IPCC..