On November 19th we participated in a webinar hosted by the IUCN Centre for Mediterranean Cooperation and the Mediterranean Biodiversity Consortium, on “Fundamentals of Nature-based Solutions”, with 150 participants, mainly from Mediterranean regions.
The webinar, which was organized within the frame of the Call for Small Projects of the Mediterranean Biodiversity Consortium, addressed the concept of NbS and an overview of the IUCN Global Standard for NbS through an interactive session, counting on high quality speakers as Dorsa Sheikholeslami from IUCN. It also included an exposition of illustrative case studies, where we had the opportunity to share the three European Cases Studies from the NATMed project, alongside with other very interesting interventions in Mediterranean regions such as PROZHUM (Protection et RestauratiOn des Zones HUmides en Mediterranée) and Corridor Caroubier CAPTE in Tunisia.
From our end, we shared with the audience an overview of the project, explaining what different NbS interventions are taking place in Carrión de los Céspedes (Spain), Chimaditida lake (Greece) and Arborea (Italy), alongside with some results of the first assessment against the IUCN Global Standard for NbS, made for . In this respect, we showcased some of the good practices collected for each of the best performing Criteria of each case study.
The integration of the Standard on the evaluating framework of NATMed’ NbS is allowing us to extract good practices, as the ones we shared in the webinar, but also to identify areas for improvement or recommendations, that are being taken into account in the NbS development process, improving and maximizing therefore, the NbS impact.
You can watch the recording of the webinar here.